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The main ingredient in our moisturizers is tallow, rendered and purified beef fat.
Tallow is the single best ingredient to use as a moisturizer.
It's 100% natural and is almost identical to the oil our skin naturally produces, sebum, so it absorbs very quickly.
It’s loaded with nutrients, essential fatty acids and antioxidants. MyTalow is fat, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad for our skin. What’s interesting is that MyTalow resembles our natural sebum so much (the oil produced by the glands in our skin) that in Latin, MyTalow is translated as sebum. The resemblance means that the ingredient is usually well received by almost all skin types, doesn’t cause irritation, and can be a godsend for people suffering from dry skin.
Because there's not much worst than being itchy.
No plant-based skincare ingredient or product can remotely compare to MyTalow in its power to nourish and heal the skin. This fact is not surprising since we are animals and not plants.
MyTalow is the most nourishing, healing, and the hydrating product you will ever put on your skin!
MyTalow is almost IDENTICAL to sebum, which is the lubricating oil secreted by our skin.
Not only does MyTalow keep your skin smooth and firm, but it also feels great and is easy to fit into your lifestyle. JUST RUB IT ON!!!
Our grass-fed locally sourced beef tallow is rendered to purity. So it's noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
MyTalow resembles our natural sebum so much (the oil produced by the glands in our skin) that in Latin, tallow is translated as sebum. The resemblance means that the ingredient is usually well received by almost all skin types, doesn’t cause irritation, and can be a godsend for people suffering from skin conditions.
MyTalow can be used to soothe sunburns, rosacea, eczema, rashes, and psoriasis. In fact, many of our customers discontinued the use of steroids and other harsh chemical-based products after discovering the healing power of MyTalow.
You can use MyTalow ANYWHERE and ANYTIME you want, but it's best to apply it after showering or washing your face to seal in all of that fantastic moisture. Morning moisturizing should be a habit! This way the benefits of MyTalow can protect your skin during the day.
And the Post-Shower Slather is a must for protecting your skin all night long.
Hands... Heels... Lips...Hair...
MyTalow spreads Everywhere.
MyTalow does not need to be refrigerated and can last a year or longer, but we guarantee you'll use it all way before then. MyTalow contains Tea Tree Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Neem Oil, and Argon Oil; all of which contain antibacterial properties which will naturally preserve your skin and MyTalow. Make sure to store it in an airtight container and you shouldn't have a problem.
Just ask Timothee Chalamet MyTalow is so much purer, so much more compatible with our skin, and works so much better than any commercial lotion. You have to try it to believe it.
When you use just enough, your skin will drink it right in, and it won’t leave a greasy residue on your skin.
Our grass-fed locally sourced beef tallow is rendered to purity. So it's noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
If you do feel like MyTalow is too oily or greasy, you’re using way too much.
MyTalow provides skin with very intense moisture IMMEDIATELY!
You will recognize this AS SOON as you put it on your skin.
There is nothing better than MyTalow for soothing and hydrating dry skin, hair, and lips! MyTalow is not only great for repairing skin, but it also helps to prevent damage to skin. It is important to use the MyTalow regularly to see the countless benefits and results.
In a word...No.
Since MyTalow is so compatible with how our skin is made and our skin's natural sebum, MyTalow works with our skin to moisturize, soothe, and repair it without clogging pores.
Absolutely!!! And kiss dandruff bye bye.
You can use MyTalow once a week for an amazing deep hair conditioner.
Massage it into your scalp 15 minutes before your regular shampoo and condition routine and wrap head in a moist towel. (While you're waiting, smooth on your favorite face mask, start a load of laundry, or read a chapter of your favorite book.) Rinse with hot water before rubbing in your favorite shampoo to distribute MyTalow to the ends of your strands.
Shampoo. Condition. And enjoy the softest hair...ever!
MyTalow also fights wintertime scalp dryness and flakiness by increasing the amount of natural moisture your scalp retains and simultaneously removing flake-causing bacteria!
Our grass-fed locally sourced beef tallow is rendered to purity. So it's noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
The Tea Tree Oil and Neem Oil in MyTalow tend to keep the balm fresh much longer than one year, even for years. Of course, we do not use toxic preservatives or any other chemicals.
Our grass-fed locally sourced beef tallow is rendered to purity. So it's noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
For long-term storage, keep any jars you aren't currently using in the refrigerator, in which case you can expect them to stay fresh for much longer than a year.
MyTalow is more solid at lower temperatures and softer at higher temperatures. If you let MyTalow get so hot that it melts, it may be more firm when it re-solidifies, but it will still be perfectly usable and won't lose any of its effectiveness.
When we hand mix MyTalow, it is always smooth, but the consistency can sometimes change even after it leaves us, particularly if it gets hot.
The essential oils used in MyTalow are specifically selected because of their long-standing tradition of promoting optimal skin health, and they are expertly blended to give MyTalow a fresh, pleasant scent.
We only use the most pure and therapeutic essential oils available, produced to the highest standards in the industry, steam-distilled from plants grown at the highest standards and not adulterated, extended, synthesized, or distilled using chemicals or high temperatures and pressure.
MyTalow can vary from batch to batch in color, consistency, and scent. It is a characteristic of a truly natural hand-made product to vary because of many different environmental factors. The principal ingredient of MyTalow is all natural food grade fat, which varies according to the season, the food source, and other conditions. Again, we hand mix every batch so each jar is perfect. Varied slightly. And perfect.
MyTalow is hand made, hand mixed, jar by jar. We don’t whip our product with a mixer because we’d rather give you more moisture and less air. We give each batch a thorough mixing, but depending on the weather MyTalow may harden and melt, but it won’t lose any of its magic.
If the graininess bothers you, simply warm the product in your cupped hands before applying to your skin.
MyTalow contains animal fat, meaning an animal must die for it to be extracted. This can be off-putting for many people, especially animal lovers. There’s been a rise in the demand for cruelty-free cosmetics and more and more giants in the skincare world are pledging to keep animals out of their formulas. This only makes room for more lab-created chemical ingredients. Which are counterproductive to healthy skin.
We embrace the healing wisdom of our ancestors and are committed to reviving the fat-based skin care tradition that generations before us lived by for over a century.
Conscious consumption is the base principal of MyTalow creators; from the reusable and recyclable glass containers to the recycled stickers on our jars to the recycled packing materials to the Earth-Conscious ingredients that go into every homemade batch.
And, not to toot our own horn...
But no plant-based skincare ingredient or product can remotely compare to MyTalow in its power to nourish and heal the skin. This fact is not surprising since we are animals and not plants.
Absolutely! The fragrance free blend, CLEAN COW is perfect for the job!
MyTalow is also nourishing for their skin and coat; and is high in niacin, vitamins B6, B12, K2, selenium, iron, phosphorous, potassium, and riboflavin. It can help relieve and heal dry, itchy, flaky skin. MyTalow is compatible with the molecular structure of your dog's skin cells.
Our pup care line is coming soon! Specially formulated for your best friend.
In a word... Yes.
MyTalow incorporates ingredients that are of superior quality and therapeutic value to provide our customers with not only the most luxurious balm available, but also the most nourishing, healing, and the most hydrating product you will ever put on your skin... Ever.
Our grass-fed locally sourced beef tallow is rendered to purity. So it's noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Anti-inflammatory and antifungal.
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These products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Consult your Physician prior to use.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. Results may vary. Superbowl Sunday